5 thoughts on “How can you restore the light after you wear it for a long time?”

  1. 1. Washing of gold jewelry:
    Is when washing the gold jewelry, first put the gold jewelry in the container, add water to the container, and then add a small amount of ammonia water, then cover the mouth tightly, shake it back and forth, then remove and wipe out and rub When wearing gold jewelry, we also should also deal with the buckle switch.
    2, the removal of the dust of gold jewelry:
    It to clean the dust and dirt of the gold jewelry. The easiest way is to wash it with soft brush dipped in hot water. Take soapy water and scrub without water alcohol, but do not use wear particles (such as toothpaste, polishing paste, fine sandpaper or fine sand cloth, etc.) to avoid reducing the weight of gold jewelry and causing losses.
    3, the surface dirt on the surface of the gold jewelry
    In the surface of the gold jewelry on the surface of the gold jewelry, it will dim the color. At this time, you can use the flushing photos of the flushing photos to flush the warm water at 30-40 ° C into a showworthy solution, and then then Add double water to dilute, soak the dirt with gold jewelry with dirt for 4-6 minutes, use a soft brush to remove the dirt, and rinse with water several times. At first, gold jewelry will be brighter.
    Pucting information:
    Gold maintenance method:
    1. The chemicals of the cleaning of the cleansing will change the color of the gold, so you should take off the gold jewelry before doing cleaning.
    2. Avoid contact with high volatile substances such as perfume and glue directly, otherwise it will easily cause gold decoration to fade.
    3. When swimming, remove the gold ornaments to avoid chemical changes in the surface layer after encountering seawater or pool water.
    4, use a velvet cloth to wrap it in the jewelry box during storage to avoid rubbing and damage to each other.
    5, gold is soft and easy to deform, so do not pull the necklace and other accessories to avoid deformation.
    6. Pure gold jewelry will have a chemical reaction when it encounters water and silver, and white spots appear. When cleaning, you can restore the original color as long as you grill under the alcohol lamp for a while.
    7. The gold jewelry after wearing is often lost due to the stains and dust stains. At this time, as long as the gold decoration is placed in the neutral dishwashing agent, soaked and washed with warm water, and then removed and wiped it.
    Reference information Source: People's Daily-Gold Jewelry cleaning and maintenance method

  2. Gold jewelry cleaning method:
    1. The gloss of the gold jewelry can be applied to a layer of nail polish thinly on it.
    2. If there are black silver films on the surface, 2 grams of salt, 7 grams of soda, 8 grams of bleaching powder, 60 ml of clear water, are made into a "golden device cleaning agent", put the gold jewelry in a bowl, and the golden jewelry is in a bowl. Pour in the cleaning agent. After 2 hours, remove the golden jewelry, rinse with water (preferably not hard water), buried in the wood chips to dry, and then wipe it with a soft cloth.

    3, the ring inlaid rolls a piece of cotton with a popsicle or match stick. After wetting in the mixed fluid of flower dew and glycerin, when scrubbing the gem, the frame is wiped with a velvet cloth. Do not scrape it with a kind of sharp objects.
    4, salt and vinegar mixed synthetic cleaning agent, using it to wipe the pure gold jewelry, which can make a long time.
    5, wipe or scrub with hot rice soup with hot rice, can also restore gloss.
    Pucting information:
    Gold identification method:
    When purchasing gold jewelry, you can identify from the following aspects:
    1, color dislocation n Gold is "Qiqing, Eight Huang, Nine purple, and ten red". The experts believe that the jewelry of 70 % of the gold is yellow, and 80 % of the gold is yellow. The pure gold is soft, and it is generally not used to make embedded jewelry. Therefore, all inlaid gold jewelry claims to be 24K and there must be fraud.
    2, 重 重
    The proportion of gold is 19.3 grams/cubic centimeter. The color is more related to the proportion. When the proportion is close to 19.3, the higher the pure gold. At 18.5, the gold contains 95%, and the gold contains 90%at 17.8, and so on. As long as the proportion is measured, the color of the jewelry can be seen. But most people can have a sense of precipitation.
    3, seeing the rhyme
    The high -colored jewelry, throwing on the cement floor, there will be dull slap sounds, sound without rhyme, no strength, commonly known as "dead sound". On the contrary, the low -collision gold jewelry is thrown on the cement floor with rhymes and sharp sounds, and a slight jump.
    4, test soft and hard
    The higher the color of the gold jewelry, the softer, and the more elasticity. The real gold bite or the needle will have light marks. High temperature) will not change color afterwards. Low -colored and fake are the opposite.
    Reference materials: Baidu Encyclopedia-Gold Gold Jewelry

  3. 1. Clear the dust of the dust and the dust of the gold jewelry. The easiest way is to brush it gently with a soft brush dipped in hot water. However, cutting must not be scrubbed (such as toothpaste, polishing paste, fine sandpaper, or fine sand cloth, etc.) to avoid reducing the weight of the gold and causing losses.

    2. When washing the pure gold necklace of the pure gold necklace, the pure gold necklace should be placed in the container, and then water is added to the container, and a small amount of ammonia water is added. Then the mouth is tightly covered, shaken back and forth, and then removed. When wearing a golden necklace, it should also be maintained with a buckle switch, and regularly drops a sewing machine oil to the switch to prevent the miniature spring in the switch rust.

    3. The removal of gold jewelry white spots contains micro -mercury (mercury) in the commercially available cosmetics. For example, there are often phenyl hydroxyl mercury and skeleton meal chloride in the freckle cream. White spots or whiteness will appear after the gold jewelry is contacted. At this time, do not scrape or sandpaper with a small knife. As long as the white spots or white jewelry appear to bake in the fire, and then wipe it with a soft cloth, the gold jewelry will restore the original luster.

    4. The surface dirt cleaning gold jewelry on the surface will be dull. At this time, you can use the flushing photos of the photo of the photo to flush it with the warm water from 30-40 ~ C, and dilute it with double the water. After soaking the dirt's gold jewelry for 4 to 6 minutes, use soft hair to use soft hair, then use soft hair. Wash the dirt and rinse with water several times. If you use fine woolen to dip the nail polish, the jewelry will be brighter.

    5. Take warm water (40 ~ C) 1000 ml of warm water (40 ~ C), add 200 ml of methamphetamine to make a water solution, then put the gold jewelry into this cleaning solution for 10 minutes, then brush it with a brush, and then rinse it with water.
    6. Cleaning gold jewelry, you can use a piece of puffy cloth to dip some toothpaste to gently lift the light until the light

  4. Cleaning gold jewelry, you can use a puffy cloth to dip the toothpaste gently until the light is light, or you can immerse it in the thermal solution for 2 hours. The thermal solution should be configured in advance. Grace salt, and then clean it with a solution with hot water with sodium carbonate (1 kg of water adds 1 teaspoon sodium bicarbonate). You can also buy a pack of shadow powder into 100 grams of water in the photo equipment store and stir it into a solution. Then use a clean soft cloth to gently wipe the dirt, and the dirt can be eliminated.

  5. Wash it with toothpaste. If you feel that the effect is not good, you can go to the counter to clean it.
    The sparse hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid is okay, and the chemical products store is sold, but it is not easy to buy.

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