5 thoughts on “How do I judge the authenticity of a diamond ring?”

  1. 1. Breath breathing method

    breath breathing method is to breathe on the diamond. The gas can adhere to the surface of the diamond. At this time, it is necessary to observe whether the water vapor on the surface of the diamond will disperse quickly. If the water vapor stays on the surface of the diamond all the time, then the diamond must be fake

    2. Drip identification method

    the drip identification method is to drop a drop of water on the diamond, carefully check whether the water drops have been bulging on the diamond and have not dispersed quickly, so that the diamonds are real, and you can buy them with confidence

    in fact, the drip diamond identification method makes use of the hydrophobicity of diamond characteristics, which can be used to identify diamonds, but this method also has disadvantages, that is, if the diamond is small, the drip phenomenon will not be so obvious, so the drip diamond identification method is only suitable for diamonds with larger carats

    extended data:

    maintenance methods for diamond rings:

    1. Store the diamond rings separately

    because platinum is relatively soft, it is easy to scratch each other when put together with other jewelry, leaving scratches on the diamond rings. Moreover, there may be losses due to collision, so the maintenance of diamond rings must not be taken lightly. When you buy a diamond ring, you will have a jewelry box. You should keep the diamond ring maintenance separately in the jewelry box or soft leather pocket to reduce the chance of collision

    2. Take off the diamond ring when doing housework

    do not wear a diamond ring when doing manual labor such as gardening, because platinum will also deform under strong external forces; When doing housework, try not to wear diamond rings, because oil stains, bleach and other things will not have much effect on diamond rings, but bleach will make platinum spots. Chemicals may also discolor delicate gemstones

  2. Diamonds have the physical properties of hydrophobicity and mutual repulsion with water. If water drops on diamonds, they will not disperse for a long time

    diamonds have a strong hydrophilicity. When there is grease on the surface, it can not be cleaned

    draw a horizontal line on the white paper, and then put the diamond on it. You will not see the horizontal line

  3. 1. Look at calligraphy
    when buying a diamond ring from a regular brand, it will be accompanied by a certificate. The certificate of this diamond ring is equivalent to the "ID card" of a diamond ring. On the certificate, all the conditions of the diamond ring will be stated, which is a very intuitive way of identification
    2. Price comparison
    diamond is a natural gemstone, and its price will be higher than that of morsonite, cubic zirconia, crystal and other substances. For example, the price of a 30 point diamond ring is usually more than 10000 yuan. If the price is too low, it is usually not a diamond ring
    3. Lipophilic and hydrophobic test
    diamonds have lipophilic and hydrophobic properties, that is, diamonds can adsorb oil and grease well, but water droplets will not disperse quickly. Therefore, clean water can be used to test the authenticity of diamonds. The specific method is: drop a small drop of water on the diamond table. If the drop of water does not disperse for a long time, it is a real diamond
    4. Wiping experimental method
    the hardness grade of diamonds is 10 Mohs hardness, which is the hardest substance in nature. It can be understood that diamonds can scratch other substances without harming themselves. The operation method of wiping experiment is to wipe the diamond back and forth on fine sandpaper for several times. If there is no scratch on the surface, it is a real diamond
    5. Haqi method
    diamonds have strong heat transfer ability. We can use this feature to identify the authenticity of diamonds by Haqi method. The specific method is to gently blow a breath at the diamond and observe the evaporation of mist on the diamond surface. If the fog blows away without stopping, it means that it is a real diamond
    there are many ways to identify the authenticity of small diamond rings. The above five are relatively easy to master. I hope they will be helpful to everyone. In order to avoid buying fake diamonds, when choosing brands, we should make more efforts and try to choose famous big brands.

  4. 1. Little trick to easily distinguish true from false
    paper scribing test method: draw a black line on the white paper, and place the surface of the diamond on the diamond ring on the line. If you can't see the line, it indicates that the diamond ring is true, and if you can see it, it is false. Draw a line on the diamond surface of the diamond ring with an oil-based ink special
    pen or ball pen. If there is an uninterrupted straight line, it indicates that the diamond ring is real. And if the dotted line left at the scribe line is intermittent, it indicates that it is an imitation. However, the test with this
    method needs to be observed with a magnifying glass
    water drop test method: drop a drop of water on the diamond ring. If the water drop remains spherical for a long time, it indicates that the diamond ring is real. If the water drop spreads out in a relatively short time,
    it is an imitation. Before, I tried to drop water on the Lovis
    diamond ring that my husband customized for me under his real name on the Internet, and the water remained for 5 minutes. Finally, I was too lazy to wipe it off when it dried. Ha ha, I would like to thank my husband for giving me the true love of Levi's in his name, crown my fingers, accompany me all my life, and follow me all my life.
    breath test method: breathe a breath on the diamond ring. If the water vapor on the diamond ring disappears immediately, it is a real diamond ring. If the water vapor stays on the diamond ring for a few seconds before disappearing, it is an imitation
    touch test method: diamonds have strong adsorption to grease and dirt. Touching diamonds with your fingers will make you feel sticky and sticky. This is not found in any other gem. In this way, we need to strengthen the training of finger touch
    refraction test method:
    the intrinsic characteristics of diamonds determine the single refraction of diamond rings. Other natural gemstones or artificial gemstones are mostly birefringent. When the fake diamond is observed with a 10x magnifying glass, from a slightly oblique angle on the front, it is easy to see that the edge lines
    appear overlapping images and show two background lights at the same time. The diamond with good cutting and grinding can be compared with the counterfeit under 100 degree incandescent light, and it is easy to compare which has diamond luster. However, this method should not be carried out under too dark or too
    strong light.
    2. Professional identification of true and false

    hardness test: diamonds are the hardest natural substances known, and nothing can mark diamonds. If it can, it is definitely not diamonds

    thermal conductivity test: breathe a breath on the diamond to be debated and other similar articles at the same time. If it is a diamond, the condensed water mist on its surface should evaporate faster than that on other articles. This is because diamonds have high thermal conductivity

    observation of reflected light: the waist of the diamond can be observed with a magnifying glass in a very fine frosted shape with bright reflected light. This characteristic of diamonds is unique

    look at growth points: under a magnifying glass, there are often grooves and triangular growth points on the crystal surface of genuine diamonds, while there are three types of forgeries: ① ordinary glass with alumina added, which is easy to enter by mistake due to the increased refractive index and dispersion, but has low hardness. ② It is imitated by chemically synthesized sapphire and colorless spinel, with similar hardness, low refractive index and birefringence, and double images can be seen under a magnifying glass

    the same as
    chemical composition test: the chemical composition of pencils is the same as that of diamonds, but the physical structure is different. Therefore, many people use pencils to detect the authenticity of diamonds, which is a practical and effective method. When identifying, we should
    wet the diamonds with water first, and then gently scratch them with pencils. On the crystal surface of real diamonds, the places where the pencils cross will leave no traces. If it is not diamonds, but glass Crystal and other materials will leave
    traces on the surface. Generally, pencil scoring is used to identify the authenticity of diamonds. This method is highly accurate.

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