3 thoughts on “How to find a variety of package gifts”

  1. Gift packaging method (8) -The thick gift box of the basic tilt packaging method

    In to prevent the box from tilting, it is convenient to use this packaging method.

    The packaging method of a thick gift box

    1. Prepare paper. First of all, as shown in the figure, the front of the box faces out, fold the paper in front of you, cover 3 horns

    2. The second, as shown in the same position, in the same position, in the same position, in the same position, in the same position, in the same position, Fold the external paper and confirm whether the corners of the three sides are covered up. The conditions of 1 and 2 must be met to go down

    . , Fold the line tightly on the corner of the left and right of the box. After the corners are tidy, fix the tape

    4. Press the position as shown in the figure, and then put the box and packaging paper down outward.

    5. The paper on the right side is also raised, and the corner of the box is folded, and then the corner of the box is folded out to the outside, and the corner of the box is fixed with tape. Fold the excess paper inward and pack the front

    6. Fold the paper under the right side to form a neat folding line to close the box corner. Express on the side, fix it with tape, and then organize the front

    7. Fold the outside paper on one side of the body, fold the excess paper along the edge of the box, fix the edges with tape

    8. Turn the box to the front, the packaging is completed, tie the ribbon or decorate

    Gift packaging method (9) -
    In this season, you can open the window and let the fresh wind blow in. What about inviting friends to come home to hold a buffet? You can prepare cute gifts such as black tea tied with ribbons on the jar. This packaging method is suitable for more casual gifts.

    This: Put a bouquet -shaped bow for gifts, and the double bows give people a luxurious feeling.

    1. First, a knot. Press the knot on the right hand and pull up the ribbon on the left side. Play another knot, but the second knot cannot be reality

    2. Overlap the two ribbons, a circle around the left hand, and then pass the two ribbons through the middle of the two knots. Open the two ribbons to open, and a circle that is slightly smaller than the left hand

    3. Tightened with the circle on the left to organize the shape

    Gift packaging method (10) —The refreshing cylindrical gift packaging method

    This is a packaging method that requires a little skill. The folds concentrated in the center can add an elegance to the gift. After mastering, no matter what size items, it can be applied. It is hoped to create a cool atmosphere in summer through gifts, so the packaging paper should choose a combination of blue and white. The simple and refreshing ribbon will also be very atmosphere when packing wedding gifts.

    This: If you want to make the round wrinkles more beautiful, you must have a packaging paper with patterns. In the cylindrical packaging method, do not prominent packaging paper, but to achieve the perfect effect through the decorative effect of the line belt.

    1. As shown in the figure, prepare the paper.

    2. Walking the paper on the cylinder, fix the tape at the overlap

    3. Fold the paper in order to make a beautiful wrinkle r r r r r r r r r

    4. The folding part of the wrinkle should be folded obliquely inward

    5. Gently fix the tape in the center, cut the paper of the same material into a circle In the shape, apply a double -sided tape on the inner side, and then stick to the central part. On the contrary, according to the same method, the ribbon is tied to the

    Gift packaging method (11) - contains containing containing The packaging method of harvesting significance

    The autumn is the harvest season. If you are full of fruits and delicious wines, how about giving them in a bamboo basket as a gift? Use bamboo baskets to combine various items together to give gifts. This method is the most convenient and can improve gifts. It is also suitable for the bride gift combination and baby gift combination.

    This: Please select the ribbon coordinated with the size of the bamboo basket. The items placed in a bamboo basket. It can be wrapped in 1 ~ 2 wrapped, which will make the shape more beautiful. When giving away food, the red ribbon can reflect a sweet feeling, and a color -coordinated greeting card is even more icing on the icing.

    The method of the bamboo basket bowl

    1. Use the hand holding the bamboo basket to play the bow, prepare a long ribbon, roll the handle of the bamboo basket On the top, hit a beautiful bow

    2. Simplified method is convenient, and creative packaging is completed

    3. Put the items in, and then see if it is appropriate. One to 2 important items, ties with ribbons

    Gift packaging method (12) -The beautiful packaging of spherical bow is not missing is the bow.
    Bying the position of the bow, you can see completely different effects. By changing the size and material of the bow, you can experience the different moods. On the packaging of Christmas gifts, you can attach a greeting card and a gadget to convey your mood.

    The system method of introducing spherical bow:

    1. River a 1.5-meter ribbon out of a circle with a large diameter of 10cm, repeat 5-6 times
    n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n R n 2. Hold the central area

    3. Press the middle part with your fingers, as shown in the figure, use scissors to repair the angle
    n. Overlap to the middle alignment

    5. A 10 cm long ribbon prepared by China and abroad is the central part of the central part

    6. From the inside to the outside, pull the ribbon out of the inside , Alternately turn all the upper ribbons out

    7. Pull out the lower ribbon in the lower part, and then sort out a spherical bow at the beginning. 8. Use a good bow to decorate the gift box

    Gift packaging method (13) — French bow

    The beautiful packaging is the bow. By changing the position of the bow, you can see completely different effects. By changing the size and material of the bow, you can experience the different moods. On the packaging of Christmas gifts, you can attach a greeting card and a gadget to convey your mood.

    The system of French bow:

    1. Prepare a 20 -centimeter long ribbon, fold a 10 cm large circle at one end of the 1 -meter long ribbon, This circle is the center of the circle

    2. Alternate overlapping up and down the circle

    . The centimeter long ribbon is placed below

    5. Wrapped in the middle of the circle with glass wire

    . completed

  2. According to the variety and shape of the gift, different bandage methods should be used:

    . Square gift. For example, boxes or books, you can use a large packaging paper to bandage. When packaging, first put the paper tank (facing upwards) on the desktop, put the top of the box or the front of the book down in the middle of the packaging paper, and then wrap the paper from the two long side to the two sides of the box paper to make an appointment. 3 cm, and double -sided tape on the back of the packed paper, and then flattened downward. Then, fold the packaging paper above the box at the top of the box neatly down the box, fold the sides into the material, and then fold inward. Boxes on both sides of the paper at the bottom must also be folded into oblique folds and fold upwards. Finally, you can use double -sided tape to stick to the overlap on the upper and lower sides. The bandaging method of the box is upward.

    . Bottle gift. Can be used with strong flexible paper with paper towels, tin foils or color glass paper. Two squares are cut first, each side length is 2 times the height of the gift, and the width is 3 times the width. Then the four corners staggered the gift, pinched the paper together on the top, tied it with the ribbon, and finally the paper on the ribbon was expanded into petals.

    . Cylindrical gift. Soft and flat gifts such as scarves, in addition to being packed with hard paper, you can also make a hard paper tube first, stuff the gift into the tube, and then roll the tube with beautiful packaging paper. The rubber paper is bonded, the two ends are tied with a ribbon, and the move is expanded.

  3. Download an e -book, or go to the library to buy a picture book, there is a packaging method, or go to the craft gift shop to ask the employees, or go to the flower shop to ask the shop chief. There are friends who are good at this aspect, ask more.

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